Jan 9, 2003

Australia Day Game and Celebration in Florida

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Dec 28, 2002

USFooty December 2002 Newsletter

Macquarie University Scholarship Announced

Submitted by Denis Ryan,


The USAFL is pleased to announce Timothy Weir, of the Philadelphia Crows, as the winner of the inaugural Macquarie University Australian Football Scholarship to attend Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.



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Dec 28, 2002

AZAFL Metro Footy Tournament

The long awaited information for the AZAFL Metro Footy Tournament in Arizona is now available. It has been quite exciting to receive inquiries from all the teams interested in participating in the tourney. New clubs showing interest include Nashville, Florida, Canada, New York and a mess of clubs in Texas to name just a few.

Which begs the question; how many teams will we allow to enter the tournament?

The answer is: As many teams we can accommodate, providing they get registered.

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Dec 16, 2002

Five-Star Athlete of the Year

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Dec 2, 2002

Macquarie Scholarship

The USAFL is pleased to announce Timothy Weir, of the Philadelphia Crows, as the winner of the inaugural Macquarie University Australian Football Scholarship to attend Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Timothy, currently an undergraduate of a Bachelor of Fine Arts at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia was ecstatic when told of the news, Thats fantastic! I cant believe it! What an Honor!

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Dec 2, 2002

Presidents Incoming address

I would like to take the time to thank the outgoing 2002 USAFL board.

I think that the way the 2002 season was handled showed great leadership within a small group of people that bonded very well. Their dedication and time cant be shown here in words, but we all know that it was a mammoth effort from all.

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Nov 27, 2002

USFooty Celebrates

This October USFooty celebrated its fifth anniversary. It has been an amazing journey. One in which we have made strides on a monthly basis and achieved some staggering milestones, such as the Revolution trip to Australia and over 230 games played in 2002 alone.

Many people have invested countless hours into the growth of the sport, at both the league and club level.

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Nov 26, 2002

Aus-Vacations AFL Scholarship

The USAFL is pleased to announce Josh Loring, of the Lehigh Valley Crocodiles, as the winner of the 2003 Aus-Vacations AFL Scholarship. The scholarship is a great reward for the many years of hard work that Josh has put into developing Australian Football, both personally and with the Lehigh team. Josh will be flown to Melbourne, thanks to a generous donation by Aus-Vacations.  There he will spend 3 weeks doing pre-season training with the Essendon Bombers and their legendary coach Kevin Sheedy.

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Nov 25, 2002

National Tournament Report

Entering the hotel Westin, I was greeted with the loud and boisterous laughter I have come to recognize as footy related. The thumping of a football on the marble floor in the vast and elegant lobby may have sounded out of place to some (namely the nervous manager), however I knew I was undoubtedly in the right place. I managed to pick out a dozen or so of my footy mates I've come to know over the past 3 years.

Yep, this was going to be an unforgettable weekend.

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Nov 25, 2002

2002 Presidents Report

Its hard to believe that the 2002 USAFL season has drawn to a close. In many ways, my life since October, 2001 has felt like a whirlwind. While unfinished business remains for the league and clubs, I can feel good that we are on the path to continued success.

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Oct 22, 2002

2002 Coopers National Championships

Remaining scores and an official press release will be posted soon, however in what was a great weekend of footy, Denver ran out comfortable winners over San Diego in the Division 1 final, 8-1-49 to 0-2-2. Division 2 was taken out by Orange County over Santa Cruz while Philadelphia was too strong for Milwaukee in the Division 3 final.

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Oct 6, 2002

Under 23 Revolution

LeHigh Valley Crocs' Head Coach, Rob Giabardo, has been named Head Coach of the U23 Revolution team to attend the Arafura Games in Darwin next May. The selection committee of Denis Ryan (Revolution Head Coach), Scott Nicholas (Revolution Assistant Coach) and Seth McElvaney (SEAFL President), had a very difficult choice, with four qualified nominees, 3 of whom are current USAFL head coaches. However, the committee felt Rob was the best person for the job. Paul OKeeffe stepped down from the committee because Milwaukees Head Coach, Colin Langley, was one of the applicants.

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Sep 29, 2002

Nationals Pools

The USAFL National Tournament Committee is pleased to announce this year's National Tournament pools. As you can imagine, this is a difficult task given the geographical disparity of the teams. 2002 is the first year that we have a third division due to the growth of the tournament to 24 teams. This compounded the committee's difficult task.

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Sep 8, 2002

Newsletter - September 2002

The September 2002 edition of the USFooty newsletter can be found here (doc).

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Aug 26, 2002

Louisville Cats

The Louisville Cats were recently featured in their local newspaper - you can read the article here.

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