Brett Kirk Reflects on World Tour

After six months of travelling the world and spreading the word about footy and the upcoming International Cup as the AFL's International Ambassador, Brett Kirk has returned home to Sydney.  As part of his journey he visited several USAFL clubs and conducted various coaching, umpiring and training sessions including New York, Boston, Denver, Arizona and Los Angeles.  He is now taking time to share his experiences as he continues to promote the International Cup.  In an interview with the AFL when asked where, of the places he spent time, he thought Australian Football had real potential, Kirk made the following comments.

"In America and Canada also, who grew up with ice hockey and gridiron. I spoke to a lot of people who said ice hockey is a very similar game in terms of being free-flowing and a contact sport.

Again, you're looking at these guys who are 6' 4, 6' 5 athletes who can run. You just need to get a footy in their hands at a young age. Some comments I can remember listening to is people saying 'everyone's a quarter-back when they play footy because everyone's involved in decision making.'

One guy in particular who played college ball but has just started picking up AFL said he wished he knew about footy when he was a teenager because his goal would have been to play in the AFL. Here's a guy who is 6' 5, 100kg-plus and a vertical leap over one metre."

To read the full interview click here

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