
Calgary Women's Tournament

Sat, 05/29/2010 - 09:00 to Sun, 05/30/2010 - 16:00

Calgary Kookaburras will be hosting a tournament on May 29 & 30. The details are still being sorted out but they are hopeful of playing at Banff National Park amongst the mountains.

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Denver Women's Tournament

Sat, 06/19/2010 - 09:00 to 18:00

All games will be played at Veterans Park on Saturday, June 19, 2010.

Women's Footy JILLAROOS Officially Inaugurated

Columbus, OH – On a beautiful sunny spring day, seven lucky women came out to be a part of the first ever women's Aussie Rules practice/social/meeting ever in Ohio. Jamie, Tonya, Kristi, Sara, Megan(not pictured), Julie and Stefanie wrote themelves into future footy lore as the inaugural core that can say they will have literally been there from the beginning.

2010 Freedom Academy

American Freedom National Team coach Wayne Kraska has announced the US Freedom Academy for 2010. The following players have announced their desire to play for the US Freedom in their match against the Canadian Northern Lights in Toronto on July 31.

The academy players will be hosting training camps/tryouts in conjunction with the tournaments in NY on May 15-16 and Denver on June 19-20. The squad that will represent the US against the Canadians will be selected after the Denver tournament.

Last Call for Women's Players.

LAST CALL for women's players for nationals: USFOOTY is putting out a last minute/open call for women players for this years nationals. We are on the verge of having our biggest field ever (8 teams), but need a few more players - please contact Kathryn at kjh@womensfooty.com if interested.

- League Adminsitrator

USA Freedom Team in Australia

The AFL Cairns Women's League will host it's first Womens AFL International game this Monday night (10th Aug) at Cazalys Stadium at 7pm.


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