
2024 USAFL Nationals

Fri, 10/11/2024 - 09:00 to Sun, 10/13/2024 - 18:00

The 2024 Nationals are returning to Austin, Texas on Oct 11-13, 2024. The tournament will be held at Onion Creek Soccer Complex located at 5600 E William Cannon Dr, Austin, TX 78744.

Players will travel from all over the USA representing more than 40 major US cities. Player Registration closes September 20. See below for weekend schedule of events, subject to change.

Check in: 
October 2, 2024 - 9:00am to October 13, 2024 - 4:00pm
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Brother Wind Comes Blowing In - Day 1 at the USAFL Nationals

For the third consecutive carnival at Lakewood Ranch, Brother Wind was a significant player in most of the games on day one at the 2023 USAFL National Championships.

Thankfully, though, the rain that was forecast for Saturday never showed, proving once again that you should never trust a meteorologist. 

A few favorites returned to glory, and a few fell by the wayside. Men’s D3 went topsy turvy, while the Iron Maidens’ win streak fell; they can still make and win the Grand Final, though.

2023 USAFL Nationals - Men's Divisions Preview

To play for a National Championship is a big deal, no matter the sport.

Beyond Division 1 on the men's side are 26 teams of all shapes and sizes.  Some of them big clubs with years of history looking to make their way up to the top tier.  Others are relatively new and are here to make a name for themselves and develop.

2023 USAFL Nationals Viewing Guide


The USAFL is proud to partner with Gridiron Productions, LLC to bring you live, streaming coverage of the 2023 USAFL National Championships.  

34 games will be shown live over the carnival’s two days including the Men's Division 1, 2, and 3 Grand Finals and the Women's Grand Final.  All teams will have at least one game streamed, and streaming will be globally available via the USAFL YouTube page.

2023 USAFL Nationals - Women's Div 1 and 2 Preview

It was twenty years ago today, that the women began to play.

Well, not quite. Women’s Aussie Rules was being played for decades off and on, even before the founding of the VWFL in 1981.

But it wasn’t until 2003 that the first ever women’s match took place at the USAFL Nationals.  Granted, it was an exhibition played with the wrap rule (no tackling yet), but it was the first step.

2023 Nationals - Men's Division 1 Preview

“I'm back to livin' Floridays, blue skies and ultra violet rays
Lookin' for better days, lookin' for better days.” - Jimmy Buffett

Yeah, I used that four years ago, but with the great man having gone to the great tiki bar in the sky, now’s a good time to use it as we return to Lakewood Ranch.

It’s been a very, very interesting season from top to bottom. From upsets at regionals, to after the siren heroics, and teams asserting themselves at every level. More than 200 games were played in everything from biblical downpours to oppressive heat.


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