USAFL Structure
The United States Australian Football League (USAFL) was founded in September, 1997 at the first US National Championships in Louisville, Kentucky.
The USAFL is the sole representative of Australian Football within the United States.
The USAFL is a grassroots, amateur sports organization dedicated to the development of and participation in Australian football. The organization is focused on the promotion and awareness of Australian football and Aussie culture and has created a sense of community among USAFL clubs and club members. The league also works to foster women’s and junior programs across the United States. The USAFL promotes participation by emphasizing awareness and a sense of community within its members and by setting standards by which member clubs agree to abide.
The United States Australian Football League Executive Board consists of seven elected positions with one year terms; President, Secretary, Treasurer, Eastern Region Vice President, Central Region Vice President, Western Region Vice President and Member-at-Large. These positions are elected by the USAFL affiliate clubs at the Annual General Meeting of the affiliate clubs during the USAFL National Championship Tournament on the Friday at 4pm. The incumbents are responsible for the administration of the league and the development of strategic policies and programs. Additionally, there are numerous appointed portfolio positions reporting to the Executive Board. These positions include International Liaison, Webmaster, USAFL Juniors National Coordinator, Women’s Portfolio, and Sponsorship Director. These portfolio positions are responsible for the implementation of those policies and programs as directed by the Executive Board. The membership of the United States Australian Football League is currently comprised of over 40 affiliate clubs in either active or inactive/transitional status. The member clubs operate in relative autonomy with regard to the day-to-day club business. The USAFL has two paid employees, Operations Manager and Communications Manager. The principal responsibilities of the Operations Manager and Communications Manager are to work with the Members of the Executive Board in coordinating the various tasks involved with the administration of a national sporting organization. The USAFL also employs a part time accountant who is responsible for financial compliance and works closely with the treasurer.
National Championships
The USAFL is also responsible for the organization and operation of the National Championships held each October. The affiliate clubs are separated by geographic regions for USAFL administrative purposes. There are no restrictions imposed upon the clubs by the USAFL in terms of cross-regional competition. Some affiliate clubs have subsequently organized regional leagues and competitions apart from the overall organization of the USAFL. These leagues and competitive endeavors are self-governing, typically only involving the assistance of the USAFL for tournament support, umpiring and coaching training resources and tribunal dispute resolution. The results of these regional and cross-regional competitions are utilized for the seeding of clubs at the annual USAFL National Championship tournament. See Appendix for a copy of the USAFL Nationals RFP.
The USAFL Structure consists of the following: