Game on!

I’ve made it safely to Brisbane. Upon landing that evening the team had training, I attended I was excited to meet all the girls and they were very welcoming and surprised to learn that we play in the US I enjoyed explaining our league to them and how it came to be that I made my way to their team. I had a great time the team is fantastic and very welcoming!

My first game was Sunday June 3. It turned out that the other team, Logan, was unable to field a team. I played for them against Yeronga. Although I was sad to have to play against the girls I had just met and have yet to play a game with. I was excited to be playing. The nerves of a first match were clearly there.

Yeronga won easily with a final score of 105 to 9. I had some good tackles but mostly it was just a ton of fun! We played 20 minute quarters and I learned I need to get my fitness up. We will be training again Tuesday!
The rest of the time I am exploring and learning the lay of the land.

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