
President's Blog: The Spirit

I recently had the pleasure to attend the inaugural Craig Ruggles Cup in Houston between the Baton Rouge Tigers and the Houston Lonestars. With the Cup being played in honor of the late Craig Ruggles of the Houston Lonestars, who tragically passed away not long after the 2013 USAFL Nationals, it was without question an emotional day.

President's Blog: The Vision

John Sculley said, “The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious”.

President's Update: Settling In

How hard is it to believe its already been four weeks since Nationals? Its been a time for me to settle in to the role of President, finding out where the USAFL is at, what our processes are and seeing how all this ties into what I’d like to do going forward. I’ve also had some fires to put out, some expected, others not so much… It’s all good though, as part of my mindset going into this was to expect the unexpected!

Letter from the President | September 2013

What is perhaps the most important component to conducting an Aussies Rules game? Umpiring! Over the past few years, Umpire Director Jeff Persson has been hard at work, conducting clinics across the country. While Jeff is known for many things, such as his beard (where did it go?) and handing out yellow cards, he should be commended for his passion for officiating and helping develop the game across the country. A long term goal of the USAFL is to have an accredited umpire at each USAFL game and we are headed towards that milestone as last year over 100 people attended clinics.

Letter from the President | July 2013

This August the USA Revolution and USA Freedom travel to Edmonton, Canada for the 2013 49th Parallel Cup to defend victories from 2012. Over the past year, both programs have been busy preparing not only for the upcoming games, but looking towards the 2014 International Cup in Melbourne. As a member of the Revolution since 2007, I am very excited about the direction of the program under Coach Matt Bishop. During this time, I have also seen the Freedom grow, and at a recent camp, the team had 75 attending players!


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