Dublin to Host USAFL National Championships
The Dublin Convention & Visitors Bureau announced tonight at the Dublin City Council Meeting that it has secured the 2013 or 2014 United States Australian Rules Football National Championship and the 2012 49th Parallel Cup. Both events will attract participants from across the world and generate a total economic impact of nearly $2 million for the City of Dublin.
“We are excited to select Dublin as the host of our National Championships,” said Richard Mann, President of the United States Australian Football League (USAFL). “We were extremely impressed with the City’s facilities, passion and its past history of hosting world-class events.” Dublin was selected over numerous cities including Fort Lauderdale, Austin and others, according to Mann.
The 2013 or 2014 U.S. Australian Rules Football National Championship will be held in the fall at Darree Fields in Dublin and will attract teams from across North America and abroad. The annual championships include a variety of divisions for men and women and attract clubs representing more than 40 cities across the United States. The event will generate more than 1,100 hotel room nights and an estimated economic impact of $1.1 million.
The City of Dublin was also selected to host the 2012 49th Parallel Cup, which is an annual event that features the United States National Team vs. the Canadian National Team. The event includes competition from both men and women. The matches will be held in August 2012.
The Dublin Convention and Visitors Bureau led the effort with the City of Dublin to host the Australian Rules Football National Championships. “We are pleased that the USAFL’s Board of Directors chose Dublin as the site for its upcoming championships,” said Tim Lecklider, Dublin Mayor. “It will be exciting for the City of Dublin to host this prestigious event that will generate millions of dollars for the local economy while showcasing our great city to visitors from across the world.”
The USAFL is a grassroots, amateur sports organization dedicated to the development of and participation in Australian football. The organization is focused on the promotion and awareness of Australian football and Aussie culture and has created a sense of community among USAFL clubs and club members. The league also works to foster women’s and junior programs across the United States. Additional information can be found at www.USAFL.com.
For additional information, contact Scott Dring at (614) 325-8218 or at sdring@IrishisanAttitude.com.