Letter from the President | June 2013
The USAFL season is fully underway with USAFL games, metro-leagues, co-ed leagues, and 49th Parallel Cup preparations. We are continuing to make improvements on the League Management System (LMS) and development will be on-going. However, it is fully functioning and players can now review their participation and points earned.
To note, for system implementation, it was necessary to use whole numbers (1 point for metro games and 2 points for USAFL games). To be eligible for Nationals, players must earn a total of 6 points. No participation requirements have changed. A total of 6 points must be earned and derived from USAFL games (2 points per game) and metro games (1 point per game). A maximum of two points per calendar week can be earned. Max two points can be earned from metro games. For players to earn these points, they must be registered as a USAFL player within 7 days after the game has been played.
The second activity that must occur for players to earn their points is for club administrators to enter game results (a final score and roster). Once this has been updated, players on that team will be awarded their participation points. As of June 3rd, there are 146 incomplete matches in the database. An incomplete match is one that does not have a final score and roster. This means that players will not be awarded participation points until the club administrator has entered the information.
The LMS is an ongoing development and is constantly being improved. If you see something that doesn’t work or a feature that you think would be beneficial, send me an email.
To summarize: In order for points to be awarded for participation:
- A player must be registered with the USAFL
- The club administrator must input a final score and roster for that match
As always, thank you to your commitment in growing Australian football in the US. I welcome feedback, questions, or thoughts.
Andy Vanica, President