April Munn

April Munn

April Munn (previously Lewis) stumbled into the USAFL by way of the Seattle Grizzlies in early 2017. April was one of the original women to the club, and by October 2017, incredibly proud to represent the first full D1 side at Nationals. As a player, April has represented across the USA, Canada, and Australia for a variety of clubs spanning from local level to state-league and high performance.

In an effort to strengthen herself as a player, April has previously received Level 0 accreditation in both field umpiring and coaching and believes in order to be better at the game she has to see the game from multiple angles. At the local level, April has served the Grizzlies on-field as a captain, and off-field assists in everything from game-day logistics to social media content, and recruiting. At the National level, April has served the Revolution team on game days by taking match statistics for the past two seasons. At the administration level, April has served as the Member At Large for the British Columbia Australian Football League (BCAFL) and spent the past two years serving as the President of the USAFL Women’s Association.

In her personal life, Aussie Rules has provided a second, chosen family in the United States and abroad. This spans from meeting her husband through the Seattle Grizzlies, to the desire to raise their prospective juniors in the USAFL community. Aussie Rules and the people that love this sport have impacted her life in an inexplicable way; the only way to acknowledge seems to be by reflecting on life before football and now loving living with football.

As April transitions into the role of USAFL President, her goal is to give as much back to football as she has received from football.

April Munn
YearUSAFL RolePositionResignedGrade
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