2024 Seattle Grizzlies Exemption Request for Chejienna Frigula
Chejienna Frigula
Exemption Type:
Eligibility Points
Chejienna works at a children's camp in Vancouver. She began playing with the club on April 27. She was officially registered June 29 due to financial hardship. Due to a death in the family, Chei unexpectedly had to go home to Australia where she ended up playing 5 games with her local club. Chei will provide I94 data again documenting exit and arrival for her family emergency. Chei was able to still accumulate 6 points this year, despite not paying on time and being away for 5 weeks.
She played-
April 27 v Portland (not registered)
June 29- Regionals (registered)
Aug 24- Vancouver v Seattle v Whistler (Whistler not available in LMS)
Sep 21- Portland/Sacramento