2017 Portland Steelheads Exemption Request for Oscar Wight

Oscar Wight
Exemption Type: 
Eligibility Points
Oscar is an international student at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon, where he plays for the tennis team. This is his third season as a Steelhead. As in previous years, Oscar was not able to accrue 6 points as a result of being a college student. He has his collegiate tennis season and year-end academic finals in the spring and thus his availability is limited early in our season. He then spends most of summer break visiting home. However, he is a valued player and club member, spending an hour and a half commuting to and from trainings each weekend when he is here, and has brought several of his tennis teammates to watch games and try footy. If we want to attract more college-aged players to the USAFL, we believe we need to be flexible in accommodating their schedule limitations.
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