2017 Calgary Australian Football Club Exemption Request for Nathan Singh

Nathan Singh
Exemption Type: 
Eligibility Points
Nathan is a Canadian who's played with us his whole Footy career. He played Nats in 2013 and 2014. In 2015 he joined his brothers business that was experiencing significant growth in the US. Through 2016 and this year he's spent roughly three out of four weeks each month travelling the US helping grow the family business. Because of this, he has missed a bunch of time with us, but did manage to play in our Banff Tournament (USAFL) for the Vernon Roosters (new team from BC who Calgary gave four Canadians to as they had mainly Aussies), Stampede Cup (USAFL) and a few local games (metro). He was not a chance of attending nationals until a few weeks ago when his company brought on more staff and he was able to move a meeting he has on Oct 23rd in Boston to re-join us. He's a Canadian who's only ever played for us, but didn't pay his fees until he cleared his work schedule so he could help us out at Nats this year, so he formally has no points, but would've had 5 if he paid at the start of the year.
League Ruling
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