Brilliant Promotional Materials for your Club


Last year Core Creative did the best job ever with Nationals Public Relations and the feeds from press were exceptional. As a result of this a number of clubs who participated in the Administrator’s Conference asked how they could participate in the promotion. 

I am delighted to be able to tell you that Core Creative has been good enough to allow Clubs to use all the materials which they put together at cost. You will see that there are a number of packages available including the crates. We suggest that you identify two or three key media contacts in your area and use the crates to promote the game with them.  The posters and pamphlets are also a great promotional tool for press, public, spectators and players.

In order to keep costs manageable we will be offering these as a one time sale through the USFooty Store. We will only be running the offer through till July 23 so all print jobs can be run at once.

The products are on the USFooty store and can be viewed at





- Office Manager

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