East Vice President

The USAFL is pleased to announce that Jeff Farnham has been appointed to the Vice President - East (VPEast) position. The VPEast position, vacant since original appointee Darren Beazley resigned in order to take a professional position in Australia, is a part of the USFooty Executive Board.

"I'm thrilled," said Jeff, the former President of the New York Magpies. "It's a role I take very seriously with responsibilities to the clubs in the Eastern U.S. I'm looking forward to working with all the eastern clubs."

The USAFL has three regional presidents, East, West (held by Wayne Calliss) and Central (Todd MacIntosh). The responsibilities of each vice president include staying in contact with clubs in their region and to offer assistance to clubs as requested.

"Jeff is the right guy for the position," noted USAFL President Jon Lenicheck. "First and foremost, he's a clubman, and I think that is essential for this role. I'm looking forward to his input on the Board, and a successful year for the league with Jeff in a leadership role."

Jeff Farnham may be reached at vpeast@usfooty.com.

- Jon Lenicheck

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