New York Tragedy

On behalf of the USAFL and all it's members, we would like to express ourheartfelt condolencesand best wishes for those involved or affected by last Tuesday's tragic events.

We have received numerous notices of best wishes from our supporters around the world anda few of those are shown below.

To recognise the events of last week, the American National Team, "The American Revolution" will be wearing black armbands in London for the Atlantic Alliance Cup. There will alsobea minutessilence during the National Tournament Championship weekendto remember those people that were affected by last weeks tragedy.

Best regards to all and God Bless,

Richard Mann

President USAFL

AFL Chief Executive Officer Wayne Jackson has written the following message, which will appear in this weekend's edition of the AFL Record:

"The AFL shares the horror and bewilderment with the entire free world at the atrocity committed against humanity in general, and the United States in particular on Tuesday in New York. Our sympathies are extended to the families and friends of those who lost their lives. It is indeed a sad moment for all of us. In these circumstances, sport may seem insignificant, but sport is one of those activities which helps heal rifts between people, and nations, and improves understanding between us. At the AFL Finals Matches this weekend, we ask all to respect a minute's silence. Together we can share the loss, and move forward, hopefully learning from this tragedy."

To Richard, Sheri and the Executive of USFooty,

It is very mixed feelings that we send you our very best wishes.

With the tragic events that have happened in America in the past week it must be extremely difficult to focus on an event that, while is very important to those involved, blends into insignificance on a bigger scale.

The Management and Staff of the Victorian Country Football League wish you all the very best for the Championships and for celebrating 5 years of operation.

Sport and Australian Rules football issomething that brings communities, families and all types of different people and agendas together. Playedwith the right spirit and with the emphasis on fun and enjoyment, our game makes sense out of a time when not much else does.

Our very dear and genuine condolences go out to the American people and all those whom have lost friends and family members in this terrible and senseless attack.

We wish you all the best in your finals and congratulate you on the first five of many successful years for USFooty.

Yours sincerely,

Greg Trappett & Staff

General Manager


Melbourne Australia

I would like to add my sincere condolences to anyone affected personally by
the tragic events in the United States in the past week. To all the
families, relatives and friends, I wish you a speedy recovery either
physically or emotionally from the devastation inflicted by cowardly

Graham Mabbs

Footy Legends International

West Australia

Notice to all USAFL Clubs

For those of you who enquired about the welfare of the New York players,Jeff Farnham hasconfirmed that even though a few were in the WTC, allplayers are OK after yesterday's tragedy.

Sheri Archer

USAFL Executive Director

To all our friends and business associates, we at Coopers Brewery send our
love and thoughts to you at this time and express our support to both
Americans and Australians. We sincerely appreciate the work you are doing
for Coopers and I am hoping to be with you in the near future (planes being

All the best to yourself and staff at usfooty.

From the Cooper family.

Yours Truly,




On behalf of everyone here at Football Specialists Australia, I just wanted
to say that our thoughts are with you at this terrible time. I hope that
all members of the USAFL, their friends and families are safe. We (along
with the whole of Australia) have been watching in horror the events that
have taken place. I hope the military can find and punish the evil
terrorists responsible for this act.

Keep safe. We are thinking of you.


ARFLI, the Irish National Team Players and coaching
staff and all affiliated ARFLI clubs would like to
offer our condolences and support to the USA and its
people following the horrendous acts of terrorism
witnessed in absolute shock by us all yesterday.

Michael Currane

Chief Executive Officer

Australian Rules Football League of Ireland

Hope you and your family and friends are safe from all the horror that has occurred in the US. It is just shocking and so surreal as well to be watching it all unfold on TV.

Take care.


Carly Griffen

AFL Commercial Operations

- Sheri Archer

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