Revolution Squad

The USAFL wishes to announce the selection of 25 players and 5 alternates to the American Revolution team to participate in the Atlantic Alliance Cup in London in October 2001. The final 25 players, 17 with previous international experience, and representing 14 of the USAFL clubs, were chosen after the conclusion of a selection process that began at the 2000 USAFL nationals in Los Angeles. After player withdrawals due to other commitments, finances, injuries and eligibility issues the selection committee used information on the remaining players gathered from first hand observation, videotapes, Revolution selectors, coaches, umpires and team officials to arrive at the final list.

2001 Atlantic Alliance Cup American Revolution squad (alphabetical order)

* Clubs represented : 14

* Regional representation

By club : East - 3 Central - 6 West - 5

By player : East - 8 Central - 7 West - 10

* Seventeen players with previous international experience

* Numbers in parentheses denote previous Revolution appearance years

Jason Amstutz (Lehigh Valley) (99)

Jim Baldwin (Denver) (99,00)

Jason Becker (Milwaukee) (00)

Marty Curry (Inland Empire) (00)

Matt Dainauski (Denver) (99,00)

Tom Ellis (Denver) (00)

Brian Furr (Kansas City)

Jeremy Harlow (Illinois)

Zach Holway (Orange County) (00)

Jay Hunter (Washington/Baltimore) (00)

Dustin Jones (Lehigh Valley) (00)

Deron Lien (Inland Empire) (99,00)

Jon Loring (Lehigh Valley) (00)

Josh Loring (Lehigh Valley) (00)

Donnie Lucero (Orange County) (99,00)

Heath McDaniel (Boston)

Ron Miller (Chicago) (97,99,00)

Greg Narleski (Boston)

Jeff Purcell (Phoenix)

Tommy Ruyle (Boston)

Kyle Strenski (Cincinnati) (00)

David Thurmond (Orange County) (99,00)

Justin Todd (Cincinnati) (99,00)

Donovan Trost (San Diego)

Darin Vsetecka (Nashville)

Alternates : (alphabetical order)

John Battaglia (Dallas)

Rob Beyersdorf (Detroit) (00)

James Campbell (Orange County) (97)

Chris Candelaria (Denver)

Travis Statlander (Kansas City)


Gary Hill

USAFL Revolution Coach

- Gary Hill

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