Flooding Devastates Queensland

Queensland is currently experiencing devastating floods and the worst natural disaster in the states history, affecting the states capital Brisbane and many regional townships. The USAFL would like to show their support to those in the U.S. with family or friends who have been affected by this tragedy. Wednesday morning the Brisbane River broke it's banks flooding a number of suburbs entirely. Townships west of Brisbane were devastated by flash flooding a day earlier with the small community of Grantham literally being washed away by a wall of water.

The flooding in Brisbane is following on from the devastating floods during December in the regional parts of the state with many areas are still cut off from receiving supplies. Flood waters continue to rise in many areas it will be a long time before flood waters levels drop and the clean up can begin.

Donate Online

The Queensland Government has launched an appeal to help those affected by the recent floods. Many communities have been devastated. Some families have lost everything. The AFL have donated $500,000 to the appeal along with many other businesses, individuals who wishes to donate may do so the following ways: To make donations over US$200 and receive US tax deductibility, please complete the form on the American Australian Association’s website: http://www.americanaustralian.org/en/art/1265/ or donate directly to the Premier's Disaster Relief Appeal online. For more information on the floods, visit the links below:

Flood Affected Areas

View Queensland's big wet in a larger map

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