Players kick into Movember

Footy players around the US are updating their facial hair while raising money for prostate cancer research and awareness. The New York Magpies have 16 club members participating in the 2008 Movember fundraiser. In 2007, 12 Magpie Mo Bros raised $7,500. According to Ben Squires, "The Pies are running the annual pub crawl through the west village dubbed the Movember Massive. At this event the fellas dressed in Movember merchandise spread awareness and merchandise like stickers, wrist bands and badges to pedestrians. They also have a few beers. The main event in Movember is the Gala Party held at Capitale on Friday 21st. The venue will hold thousands of Mo Bros dressed in outrageous costumes to excentuate the style of their mo. Prizes are awared for a range of mo categories."

Revo, Milwaukee Bomber and All-Star forward flanker, Andy Vanica, is also going the Mo and has raised $330 so far this month. The Chicago Footy club is combining its Mo Ball with the CAFA Presentation night and raising money for its fight against Leukemia and Lymphoma through its Project Relentless.

For more on Mos and Movember go to

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- Chris Adams-

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