The Aussies Are Coming!

Past US Nationals co-commentator Graham (Mabbsy) Mabbs, Footy Legends International, in conjunction with AFL Masters Australia Incorporated is co-ordinating the next North America Tour planned for August 2009.

Mabbsy was seen at the recent International Cup in Melbourne Australia deep in discussion with National President Rich Mann and at large Plugger O'Keefe confirming the itinerary.

AFL Masters Incorporated is the national body in Australia for players 30 years and over.

The Aussies will land in the playground for grown ups in Vegas on August 10th 2009 and games are planned for the West and East coast US mid to late August 2009.

Mabbsy is recorded as taking the first international Aussie Rules Masters team to Toronto in 2002. The tour was a huge success and if the current planning is anything like that tour, this one will be equally successful.

Contact Mabbsy at, cell +61418943703, or the USAFL Office Manager for more details.

- Graham "Mabbsy"

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