Orange County Bombers Defeat Dallas Magpies


The Dallas Magpies traveled to Orange County to take on the Bombers last Saturday June 9th. It was a great day for footy in Southern California as there was not a cloud in the sky. Both clubs fought hard on the field. There were some great passages on play and hard tackles from both sides. In the end OC's ferocious attack and deep bench helped propel them to a strong victory as the Bombers came out on top 100 to Dallas's 37. Thanks very much to the Magpies for making the trip out. We hope they enjoyed their stay and look forward to returning the favor next season.
Here are the quarter by quarter scores:                                                                          
OC : Quarter 1: 4 goals, 5 behinds  Quarter 2 : 3 goals, 6 behinds  Quarter 3: 2 goals, 5 behinds  Quarter 4: 4 goals, 6 behinds  Total:: 13 goals, 22 behinds (100)
Dallas -  Quarter 1: 1 goal, 2 behinds   Quarter 2:  zero  Quarter 3: 2 goals, 2 behinds Quarter 4: 2 goals, 3 behinds   Total: 5 goals, 7 behinds (37)
OC Goal Kickers - Colter Allison (2), Craig Thwaites (2), Mark Larson (2), Paul Lindley(2), Janni Mirosevich, Frederick Shulin, Chris McNeil, Brad Wetherall, Mark Harrison
Dallas Goal Kickers - Stuart Rackham (3)
BOG votes: 3. Stuart Rackham (Dallas), 2. Steve Cliff (OC), 1. Jackson Brooke (OC)

- Corey Irwin

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