Do you recognise any of these names???

General Information: Around October last year, a few Aussies got wind of a new football league starting up around the country. As it turns out it was none other than our beloved Australian Rules Football. Six months later, we had a fully fledged team in Boston participating in the USAFA. We have a dedicated board of directors, approximately 30 players and an affiliation with the oldest football club in the world, the Melbourne Football Club. Known as the Demons, this club is based in Melbourne, Australia and is the sister city of Boston. That’s why we’re called the Boston Demons. 

Club Board: 
Paul Clark
Adam Mutton
Paul Whiting
Paul Clark
USAFA Delegate

Training Times: Thursday nights, 7.00pm - 9.00pm, Saturday mornings, 10.00am - 12.00am

Training Location: Look at the "Training" page of our website.

Highlights of the Club Schedule:
March 28th - Boston Demons Vs. Washington DC Eagles (In Washington D.C.)
April 25th - Boston Demons Vs. New York Magpies (In Boston)
June 6/7 - Tri-City Series between Boston, Washington D.C. and New York (In New York) July 18th - Boston Demons Vs. Nashville (In Boston)
August 29/30 - USAFA National Championships (In Cincinatti, Ohio)

Other Information:
The club mostly comprises of Aussies with a mix of Americans and Irishmen thrown in for good measure. The team is open to anybody who wants to play, whether they be experienced or not. Off the field we have quite a following and have a busy social agenda planned for the year. Our local pub is The Burren, in Davis Square, where we had our first pie night on Saturday, February 21. It was a great success.

May, 1998


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