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San Diego Pulls Off First-Ever Win

SAN DIEGO LIONS 2.3 5.10 11.10 17.13 115 
INLAND EMPIRE EAGLES 1.1 1.1 3.6 5.8 38

For those long timers on the list, this is not a misprint. Hard as we tried, we had our first win! I knew change was in the air when "I've got a girl-friend" Joe McAuliffe actually showed up with evidence intact, putting to waste those ugly rumors spread by Wayne.

Everything else was typical. Somehow the opposition can drive 120 miles and get to the game 1hr early, but our useless thugs arrive 5 mins previous from 5 minutes away.

As today was my birthday, I mistakenly thought I might be able to influence the selectors into getting a game on the forward line. My carefully devised tactics of allowing CHF’s to run rampant and kick vast swags of goals against my aging carcass at CHB resulted in me being selected in the.........BACK POCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, you self centered bastards, you want to here about the team OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Eagles looked awfully young and fit, and rumor has it their players actually go to training!!!! Golly, who could imagine that would make em so strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right from the first bounce we tried to confuse the Eagles by playing out of position and being second to the ball. Gary Green tried to spoil it all by picking up numerous possessions, and Shannon smacked the ballout repeatedly from the ruck. Dave Hooper proved that showing up to training in flip-flops with 2 kids in tow so you don't have to train does wonders for fitness. Mark Nichols was the AA poster-boy, 17 days into his self-imposed abstention from the demon drink, after his most amazing display at the OMBC OTL, consuming 7 times his body weight in beer, and skipping the public restrooms in favor of his shorts.

I digress. The Eagles come out hard. God help us when these guys learn how to play the game. For my Aussie friends, they're an All-American team handicapped by 2 ancients, and worst of all, they're Gropers! (WA)

We got the wind in the 2nd, and John Lethert, Hooper and Greeny kept up their amazing display at missing open goals. While as President I'm expected to meekly stand aside and let Paul select himself at CHF, when things become "heated" on the field, it's "Bill, control YOUR PLAYERS!"

When we have to use guys off the bench, it's "Bill, you make the changes!"

Well hell, I did!!!!!!!!! I took the initiative and stuck myself at half forward for the second half. Brett whined more strongly and got moved from FB to CHF. By avoiding the ball as much as possible, and becoming the involuntary tackling dummy for the Eagles backmen, I inspired me boys into a goal scoring frenzy, Molly and Neil playing in our twin FF set-up ran rampant, and Joe Lethert was as redhot as his face would prove to be many adult beverages later. Rooter got excited and almost got a kick when JImbo came on for the Eagles. New seppo Ron ran up a never to be beaten amount of scratches and scrapes on his body. and Joe Mc was overcoming his giddiness at having 2 gals scrutinizing his football prowess.

Goal-less I fronted up for the final q, and the ball continued to by-pass me with amazing regularity, as everone else racked up stats, including 1st gamer Cliff hitting hard and handballing, Woody throwing the ball with impunity under the umpires nose, and Brian, what did you do anyway?

I decided that I couldn’t hide my talents that made me the CBC StKilda 2nds goalsneak of the 70's (Adam, remember I used to tell everyone who wasn’t at the game I kicked 7 or 8), and if I had any modesty at all I wouldn’t tell you about the amazing spin out of trouble, steady with backmen a mere 30 metres away, and somehow post one through although hampered by a wind blowing directly behind me from at least 25 metres out.

Soon sang the siren, and we were left in the embarrassing position of winning, bewildered at how to behave after our first win in club history. Hats off to the Eagles. Sure we won by 77 points, but in a month or 2 these guys are going to make me wish I stuck to Yahtzee.

GOALS: Neil Koch 4 Molly 4 Hooper 3 Green 2 Shannon 2 DUSTING Nichols

BEST: Team effort (Dammit OK, so I played a shocker! I'll name names, even if oe of em is'nt DUSTING) Green Shannon Nichols Hooper hell, everyone but me

Being my birthday and all, I drifted back to the Down Under Bar To congratulate everyone. What a pleasant surprise that beer was bestowed upon me with such minor threats. I might mention that several bad boys were a little flushed with FOSTERS FOSTERS (gratuitous flash for our sponsors who coughed up 4 slabs, a footy, t-shirts, goal umpire gear), causing me to consume the vile amber liquid at a frenzied catch-up pace. You see, I played for LA against OC, in the next game, and was busy kicking 2 big ones. Don't worry ya heads about the score. All you need to know is I'm suffering, cursed while hittin' the cursor. Never play 2 games in summer, don't eat, then drink multiples 23ozers.

In 2 weeks we play LA away. Will the Lions streak continue? Will anyone........... WAIT!!!!!! Sorry Wayne, I forgot to make a smart ass comment about your "athletic" ability on the field- na not really, you Crow bastard.

Will we get the numbers for a big away win??? Get ya boots on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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