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Boston Interclub Game
Roey's Rebels (RED) Vs The Prodigious Members (BLUE)
1 August, 1998 - Saturday

Report kindly written by Paul Whiting - Boston Demons Secretary.

Boston's first inter-club game.
MIT sporting grounds, Cambridge, MA

With the Canadians not being able to venture down to Boston, the club decided to have it's first formal inter-club game. The Captains were selected to be our two fanatical American team-mates, Tommy Ruyle and John Roe II. They were ably supported by their vice-captains - who just also happened to be our president and vice-president. Red and Blue T-shirts were kindly donated by Andy Blencowe of Argent Software.

The weather was fantastic and the crowd of about 100 enjoyed both the game, the sunshine and the refreshments that they had brought along. MIT is our regular training game and it was great to be able to play a game there as it is very centrally located and close to the heart of Boston.

The Blue team lead from the start and at the end of the first quarter were up over their Red opponents by 4 points. Roey's Rebels were able to inch a point closer at the end of the first half. The third quarter was the come-back period for the Reds as they were able to get within a point of the Blue team. In the last quarter, the Blues must have already had their minds set on the post-game beers and BBQ, because the Reds were able to run away with the game and kick 6 goals in the last quarter.

After the game, the boys sat and around and drank plenty of liquids while our ever attentive trainer, Steve Broderick attended their wounds (thanks Steve).

Thanks also to the Jokeman for umpiring, Stoney and Whitey for being goal umpires (even if Whitey was useless at singaling goals with his arm in a sling) and Benno for going water-boy. Thanks also to all the fans that turned up to watch the game.

Tommy Ruyle (Captain) John Roe II (Captain)
Clarky (Vice Captain) Mutts (Vice Captain)
Slugger McClusky
Tim Gleeson Simon GoldSchmidt
Doddsy Skills
Scotty Swagg
Chucky Ash
Robbie Moir Ant
Supercoach Webbo
Jimmy T Noel
Colm Bebbs
Dean Jackman Mike Gleeson
Andrew Blencowe Gainzo 
Greg Savage

RED 2 2 14
BLUE 3 1 19

BLUE Scotty 1, Doddsy 1, Jimmy T 1
RED Skills 2
Grab of the Quarter - Mutts

RED 4 5 29
BLUE 5 3 33

BLUE Slugger 1, Tim Gleeson 1
RED Skills 2
Grabs of the Quarter - Darren, Skills had 3

RED 5 8 38
BLUE 6 3 39

BLUE Clarky 1
RED Skills 1
Grabs of the Quarter - zip

RED 11 10 76
BLUE 7 5 47

BLUE Deano 1
RED Roey 2, Webbo 3, Mutts 1
Grabs of the Quarter - zip

- Office Manager

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