News from the Atlanta Kookaburras
The Kookaburras are pleased to announce the upcoming Atlanta Australian Rules Football League will commence games on Saturday September 23rd 2006.The league now simply known as the 'AARFL' will include the four men's teams from last year plus two women's teams playing games on Saturday mornings at Dekalb Memorial Park Atlanta.
The AARFL is all about getting new players out to play the game locally away from the heat of summer and trials of having to travel to play on a regular basis. The fall schedule this year calls for six weeks of games ending in mid November. This is a new format for the league which is being played apart from the regular Kookaburra games for the first time, other then the USAFL National Championships which are on the 7th-8th October.
Prospective players and fans can visit the league website to see the schedule, look at team stats and facts and also to sign up. For a non member of the Kookas the cost to play is just $20 for 6 games which is great value. The Kookaburras coaching staff will also be involved coaching and teaching all the skills of the game as well as the rules of this exciting team sport.
- Wayne Krazka