First Arlington USFooty Kids Clinic a Great Succes

Approximately 15 boys and girls turned up on Saturday for the first Arlington USFooty Kids clinic. The coaches, Chris and Denis, were helped by a number of players from the Baltimore Washington Eagles including Club President Rob Brunton and Eagles Senior Coach Matty Bishop.

The clinic started with some warm up games and some "ball stretching". The players worked in pairs to pass the ball from one to the other.

After stretching and warmup we went through some skills, inluding catching, hand passing, kicking and bouncing. This was followed by games to teach field awareness and practice kicking and picking up the ball.

Finally, we were ready for the big game. The players were split into two teams, the yellow team was the Eagles and the blue team was the Blues. The junior Eagles played some impressive football but the junior Blues were able to pick up some great goals.

The next (and final) clinic will be held on July 22 (rain date 7/29) from 9.00 to 10.30 am

Where: Thomas Jefferson Middle School Soccer Field
125 S Old Glebe Road, Arlington, VA

What: Two clinics with fun and safe games and activities based on (no contact) Australian football.

Who: Boys and Girls 6 to 12

Equipment: Running shoes (cleats optional), bottle of water, suitable clothing and a ball (soccer ball size 3 or 4 or youth-sized American football).

USFooty Kids is based on Australian Football League’s Auskick - the highly successful Australian youth sporting program.

Kids (and parents) will play fun games to learn ball handling skills, kicking, gross motor skills, decision making, spatial awareness and coordination. Each session will end with a small non-contact game. Participants will receive a “show bag” with various items such as stickers and AFL goodies.

The clinics will be run by Chris Adams (U6 Coed Hurts Hammers soccer coach, former Baltimore Washington Eagles assistant coach), Denis Ryan (USFooty Kids National Coordinator, former Baltimore Washington Eagles head coach) and Baltimore Washington Eagles players and coaches.

To register or receive more information: contact Chris Adams at or 703-217-3625:
To register please include the following information:
1. Name of participant(s)
2. Age of participant(s)
3. Gender of participant(s)
4. Dates of participation: 7/8, 7/22 or both (Information is for planning purposes only)
5. Email address and phone number of parent or guardian.

Total cost is $10

- Chris Adams

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