2013 Seattle Grizzlies Exemption Request for Ed Fayette

Ed Fayette
Exemption Type: 
Eligibility Points
The US Army has relocated Ed Fayette and he has been unable to train or play with the Grizzlies for much of 2013. He is a long-time member and pillar of the club, having served in previous years as Vice Captain and has dedicated countless hours to club marketing, fundraising, social events organizing, and recruiting, and has provided unwavering inspirational leadership. As the Grizzlies cannot field a team at the West Coast Regionals in Reno, Ed will still be in attendance and showing his dedication to NW Footy by running with the Portland Steelheads. He is a core member of the Grizzlies and his presence at Nationals will be of deep significance for the club. He has paid his USAFL dues as a player. We request an exemption of eligibility points for Ed Fayette and that he be allowed to take the field as one of the Seattle Grizzlies at the 2013 Nationals Tournament.
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