2015 Minnesota Freeze Exemption Request for Brian Traut

Brian Traut
Exemption Type: 
Eligibility Points
Brian Traut has played enough games for us this year: 6 USAFL games and 2 metros. It is an annual tradition that he pays dues late and it took his friend Issac to pay the dues before the Denver game so that he could get the points - he sits at 4 now. He will be eligible automatically if he attends two more metros before nationals but the chances of that happening is bleak. We do remember that USAFL sternly said that it was the last time they were giving an exemption to Trautstamp for paying dues late and we agreed that this won't happen again. Unfortunately with a new calendar year, Mr. Stamp seemed to forget all this. Please give an exemption request, especially since he has played enough games this year.
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