2024 Columbus Cats Exemption Request for John MIller

John MIller
Exemption Type: 
Eligibility Points
John Miller has been a member of Columbus ARFC since the 2017 season. John has attended Nationals with the Columbus Cats each year since his joining the club with the exception of 2020 (COVID) and 2022 (His own wedding). Johnny welcomed his first child in the spring of 2024 and was unable to make early season games. At the time of this submission, Johnny's account shows 2 Points. He was a participant in our game against Cleveland in early May (was not fully registered at the time). John also played in the Cincinnati Tournament held on 9/20 (at the time of this writing, that tournament has not been successfully logged into LMS). Further, John participated in our Metro on 9/28 (at the time of this writing, that game has not been successfully logged into the LMS). John has twice served as the clubs Vice President and has previously serviced as a Vice Captain of the side.
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