Player Registration
Before a player can compete in a USAFL sanctioned game or tournament they must complete their online registration, waiver and pay their USAFL dues. To register players must go to: create a user account and follow the step by step instructions. Players must complete the "Your Contact" details and "Your Profile" information before they can proceed to pay registration dues. Should players have any questions, they can contact the USAFL Communications Manager at
IMPORTANT: Clubs are responsible to ensure all their players have registered, paid and completed the online waiver before taking the field. Any player who is not registered with the USAFL is not covered by the league's general liability insurance, and has not executed the mandatory waivers, releases, and confirmation of individual health insurance. This exposes the unregistered player, the clubs and its officers and players to significant and potentially catastrophic liability.
The registration fee is not a fee for Nationals, it is a USAFL player/participant fee. The fee covers players with liability insurance, allows teams to attain field insurance certificates and players should be registering and paying as soon as they start training at start of the year. The league runs year round, not just the month of October and the USAFL requires a steady stream of revenue rather than receiving it all around Nationals. The sliding scale is there as a reward for those who register and pay early, and again, ALL players should register and pay before they start playing. This process is always up for discussion, however, over the past two years the board has found this to work best for all of the league’s participants. This fee is very reasonable, especially when compared to the fees for other organized sports such as softball, ultimate frisbee, kickball, and rugby.
See Appendix for a copy of the USAFL Player Waiver.