Text A Star - Hear from your Favourite AFL stars today!

Text a Star

Text A Star - the unique social media service designed to give fans unprecedented access to their favorite sports stars – is offering USAFL fans a world first opportunity. Already a hit in Australia, Text A Star joined forces with some of the leading AFL players who have been texting fans direct to their mobile phones on a weekly basis.

What is Text A Star?

Text A Star is a premium social media product which bridges the gap between sports stars and their fans.

Subscribers will get text messages on a weekly basis describing life on and off the footy field. For less than $10 per week, fans will get great insight into the daily lives of these AFL stars.

What makes Text A Star Unique?

Text A Star’s real time content is pushed out via mobile phone that guarantees immediate receipt – a real bonus for the eager fan! In addition, Text A Star guarantees the athlete participating in the service – which is comforting given the existence of social media portals that mass distribute inaccurate and illegitimate information on a daily basis.

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