Chicago's big win a sign of things to come

The Cincinnati Dockers once again hosted the team from Chicago in what was near perfect conditions for footy.

Chicago unveiled their new jumpers for the first time, a combination of the Sydney Swans and Southport Sharks designs.  Looking like a team, the Chicago boys ended up easy winners against a persistent Cinci squad.

United kicked the first goal with Matt Palmer slotting one through early on.  The Dockers quickly replied with their first major of the day but it would almost be another 3 quarters before they would score another.

The visiting team was doing well in the middle with ample supply to the forward line.  United missed a few opportunities but were still able to open up a handy lead at quarter time, the forwards giving plenty of trouble to the Dockers defence.
Cinci: 1-0 (6) - Chicago 5-8 (38)

The second quarter was more of the same with Chicago starting to control the midfield and forward 50, poor kicking the only problem for United.  The Dockers had a couple of chances but the tight Chicago defence did not give an inch. The highlight of the quarter was a great mark by "Best on Ground" Paul Meyer.  The little bloke took a tough grab in the goal square with a great leap between 2 Dockers and then kicking truly.  Half time had Chicago well in control on the score board.
Cinci: 1-0 (6) - Chicago 9-14(68)

The third quarter saw the Dockers come out strong and were unlucky not to kick a goal on a couple of occasions.  The Chicago backline was under a bit more pressure and the running of the first half was starting to show with United legs beginning to tire.  Chicago was still able to extend their lead but with many less scoring attempts than in the previous quarters.
Cinci: 1-2 (8) - Chicago 13-19(97)

Cincinnati came out all fired up for the last quarter with the ball spending the first half in their attacking zone.  This persistence paid off with a great goal from the boundary line to the Dockers, Chicago looked a little shell shocked by the efforts of their opponents.  United still managed to kick a goal but only had 3 scoring shots for the quarter, a far cry from the attempts earlier in the game.

The final result showed the dominance of the United team but as always the Cinci boys never gave up and showed that they could still play great footy with a fantastic effort to the end.  Some great matchups were had with the rucks a tight contest and some great efforts on both wings.

Final Scores
Chicago United 14. 21. 105
Cincinnati Dockers 2. 4. 16

Goal Scorers
Al 5, Waz 4, Oscar 1, Pat Hoyt 1, Gordo 1, Betty 1, Brian Hoyt 1

Chicago Team Effort

Oscar Meyer - 3, Al MacGlashan - 2, J. Dean (Cinci) - 1


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