2013 Calgary Australian Football Club Exemption Request for Mark Terstappen

Mark Terstappen
Exemption Type: 
Eligibility Points
Mark has been a member of the Calgary Kangaroos for quite a number of years, participating in both the last Austin Nationals, and the nationals held in Kentucky (2011 and 2010). Mark has been recently between jobs, and therefore was not been able to travel with our team to Kelowna. He did play in our Stampede Cup against Edmonton, and through his play there, was asked to play for Canada B team in the 49th parralel which was played in Edmonton (three hours north of us in Calgary). Mark has been a member of our club for a number of years, and while struggling to committ due to his varied employment situation, has still been involved in the club where possible (trainings, local club games). While he is still undecided on whether he can attend nationals, we would like to support him by getting him an exemption (he was able to pay the USAFL fees at some point during the year), to at least remove that barrier for him.
League Ruling
Played in 3 games with them including metro. Registered player for at least three years
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